If you have an emergency, please contact the vendor directly to get the issue resolved as soon as possible. Once you have contacted the vendor to get a resolution started, please submit a warranty request through our website. A Manager will then be notified to follow up with you and the vendor to ensure you are taken care of as soon as possible. The Manager will also want to inspect the issue to see if any further action is required to get the situation completely resolved for you. Please be advised that if an emergency service is deemed as homeowner caused (damage, lack of maintenance, etc.) or an act of nature (storm, etc.), a service charge could be imposed by the vendor upon service.
Cathedral Plumbing at (972) 446-2500
K&S Heating & Air at (972) 271-9319
Lanehart Electric at (972) 721-1004
Corey Construction at (832) 300-3700